Oil on Canvas 130cmX140cm

Oil on Canvas 170cmX100

Oil on Canvas 130cmX100cm

Oil on Canvas 200cmX100cm

Oil on Canvas 130cmX100cm

Oil on Canvas 120cmX170cm

Oil on Canvas 130cmX100cm

Oil on Canvas 165cmX130cm

Oil on Canvas 180cmX80cm

Oil on Canvas 170cmX120cm
Is that Trembling Cry a Song? 2010-2011
The second in a series of three inspired by William Blake’s poetry.
William Blake questioned the the conventions of his time. He was opposed to tyranny and oppression. Blake delved into the notion of good and evil, heaven and hell, reversing traditional thought on these subjects. His work is extensive and philosophical.
I set off on a journey when I secured a copy of The complete Works of William Blake. The read was joyous for me, I felt like I was at home and was surprised at how relevant his words were for society today. My head filled with image upon image; hence the birth of three series loosely based on his words.